The Navy League of the United States
Mobile Council
Mobile Council
The Mobile Council of the Navy League of the United States is dedicated to enhancing and supporting local active duty sea service members and their families within the Southern Alabama area; informing local public and elected officials of the importance of strong sea services; and supporting local youth programs such as the Sea Cadets, NJROTC and college NROTC programs.
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The Navy League Mobile Council
The Navy League Mobile Council
Lynne Price, Administrative Assistant
P. O. Box 686 Mobile, AL 36601
Lynne Price, Administrative Assistant
P.O. Box 65
Mobile, AL 36601
All Rights Reserved, The Navy League Mobile Council
Website design by Bold Layout
For all of the military retirees in the area, you can order two pair of standard issue eyeglasses every year from the Navy Ophthalmic Readiness Activity. You have to bring your form DD771 with you when you have an appointment with your optician.
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How to Order: Retiree
How to Order: Retiree0 CommentsComment on Facebook
The Mobile Council of the Navy League of the United States held our annual awards banquet on June 18, 2024 at the Mobile Yacht Club. We awarded the ADM William Stewart Scholarship to Cadet Abigail Glass, Robertsdale HS NJROTC. We also awarded the Theodore Roosevelt Award to PO3 John Burkett, US Naval Sea Cadets, Dunlop Division. We had several members of the crew of the USS KINGSVILLE (LCS 38) attend our event and had the executive officer give a quick brief of the current activities of the crew. It was a great event. ... See MoreSee Less
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Congratulations everyone 👏 Brovo
Sounds great Pete! Kay
Photos from USS Donald Cook DDG 75's post ... See MoreSee Less
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